Technical Sales Manager, Grupo EULEN
Technical Sales Director at EULEN Group; PDG by IESE, PDD by ESADE, Master in Sales and Marketing Management by ESIC, LADE by Carlos III, I am a Black Belt - Six Sigma by ISO 18404; leader of the Lean Services Solutions Project of the Company. I also lead Technological Projects and represent EULEN in AMETIC, being the Vice President of the Alliance for the Development of Digital Talent and Member of the EPS of Digital Economy and Industry in FUNDAE. Passionate about Strategy, Management, Digitalisation, Digital Transformation, Lean and Talent. Awarded as the best external Lean reference by Lean Community. Chosen by Coolhunting and ICEMD as one of the 100 leading professionals in Spain in the area of Management and Innovation in 2020. In 2018, chosen by El Vigía, among the most influential of the year in the logistics sector. I am also a writer, lecturer and teacher at different Business Schools. Creator of concepts such as Distancingskills, Del PoC al DoC, Digicultura or Tecnolean.