Researcher, Universidad de Málaga - UMA
Contracted researcher at the University of Málaga. PhD in Art History, in the Advanced Studies in Humanities programme, under the supervision of Dr. Nuria Rodríguez Ortega, with a thesis entitled Picasso in the exhibition circuit: collectors, loans and artistic circulation. Degree in Art History (UMA, 2013). Three Master's Degrees: Master's Degree in Social Developments of Artistic Culture (UMA, 2014), Master's Degree in Teaching Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Languages (UMA, 2015) and Master's Degree in History and Digital Humanities (UPO, 2020). Multiple courses, highlighting the specialization course in Digital Art History. Member of the R&D research project HAR2014-51915-P and the research group IArtHis_Lab. Contracted researcher for the Agencia Pública de Estudios Andaluces (2017-2019) and for the Picasso-Fundación Málaga Chair, where she is currently doing research (2019-2021).