CM Málaga

Best Practices and Policies

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Museums and digital culture: new approaches to a fruitful interaction with arts and culture

  • Vincent Poussou, Directeur des Publics et du Numérique à l ́Établissement Public des Réunions des Musées Nationaux et du Grand Palais, Paris, France

Towards a hybrid museum? Rising to the challenge

  • Marijke Smallegance, Head of Digital Marketing, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Low Countries

ICOM's approach to a new definition of the museum

  • María Dolores BaenaMember Executive Council, ICOM Spain. Director, Museo Arqueológico y Etnológico, Córdoba, Spain

Museums in the 21st century: Museo de Málaga

  • María Morente, Director, Museo de Málaga, Spain

The Visitor Assistant, the evolution of the traditional Audioguide, has become the best tool for visitor management

  • Alejandro López, CEO, MuseumMate, Madrid, Spain