CM Málaga

Project for the Acquisition of Scientific-Technical Equipment

In the effort to strengthen the research capabilities of the IAPH, the project "Updating and improvement of the scientific-technological equipment of the IAPH and creation of a mobile laboratory of non-destructive techniques" (EQC2019-005515-P) was recently launched, which is funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and which provides for the updating and improvement of the equipment of the IAPH laboratories in those instrumental techniques necessary for the diagnosis of the state of conservation and the material characterization of cultural property. This update includes the creation of a mobile laboratory of non-destructive techniques for the analysis of all those works that, due to their size or state of conservation cannot be moved, so that they can be studied in situ without affecting their integrity.

  • Marta Sameño Puerto, Director of Research and Transfer, IAPH, Spain
  • Cristina García Garrido, Laboratory Technician, IAPH, Spain