CM Málaga

The digital guide to Andalusia's cultural heritage

The "Digital Guide to the Cultural Heritage of Andalusia" is actually a search engine that allows you to locate information on more than 100,000 cultural assets in Andalusia. Searches can be performed by key terms, thematic or geographical search through a map that shows where the different cultural assets of the region are located. In addition, the advanced search allows more specific searches by type of heritage (immovable heritage, movable heritage, intangible heritage and cultural landscape). This search mode also allows filtering by province and municipality. The website also includes proposals for cultural routes, so that citizens and tourists can get to know the cultural jewels of Andalusia in a simple and enjoyable way. Finally, the guide also includes information on the most valued and most visited contents.

  • Blanca del Espino, PhD researcher, IAPH, Spain
  • Inmaculada Álvarez Bejarano, Technician, IAPH, Spain