CM Málaga

Technical Table: Caring for collections. Competencies of conservation and restoration professionals in the museums

Moderator and Component:

  • Elena López. Founding Partner, Association of Museologists and Museographers of Andalusia (AMMA)


  • Beatriz Castellano.  Head of Projects Department, Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute (IAPH)
  • María López. Preventive Conservation Unit Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute (IAPH)
  • Benjamín Domínguez. Conservator-Restorer of cultural property, Painting Department, University of Seville (US)
  • Estrella Arcos. Conservator, Quibla Restaura

The conservation and restoration of the heritage legacy is one of the main functions of the museum. This function is materialised in the execution of preventive strategies and intervention projects for the collections, carried out by multidisciplinary teams, following criteria and a methodology derived from the extensive experience of our technicians, through entities such as the IAPH. Research is the backbone of any intervention for the conservation and enhancement of Cultural Heritage.

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