CM Málaga

Innovation and latest digitalization tech for tourism & museums

Imparted by: 

  • Sergio Mata. Business Director, QUATECHNION S.L. spin-off of Lab LENI (UPV), Company specialized in inmersive technologies and behaviour measurement 
  • Julio Merino. CEO, Creaciones Inmersivas, Company specialized in the production and broadcasting of inmersive content in 360º video

Aimed at: 

  • Museum and cultural institutions, Public Administrations, Project Managers, Consultors

In this workshop we will present the latest trends in digitization for Museums and Tourism with a clear vocation for the integration of immersive user experience models based on Augmented Realities combined with the adaptation of knowledge tools based on behavioural analytics and metrics to feed Intelligence solutions. Artificial. We will also analyze the integration of digital tools in unique tourism management environments aimed at optimizing resources and improving the service and user experience.
