The Agora is a new premium space of reflection and debate about the research, technologies and strategies that will define the future of the innovation ecosystem. Access to the Agora is restricted, and especially adressed to the investor. The opening conference will be in charge of ENISA -the entity that makes this forum possible- which provides financial support to small and medium-sized companies that wish to promote their innovative entrepreneurship projects.
Adela Gimeno Munuera
Daniel Gómez-Bravo
Antonio Gutiérrez Gómez
Innovation Room Opening Session
The Innovation Room is a forum whose contents revolve around disruptive technologies, R&D&I in the business sphere and funds for reactivation, as the central axes of this space. The inaugural conference has the participation of the CDTI -as the main Spanish public business entity whose objective is to promote innovation and technological development of national companies- and with the participation of the Ministry of Universities, Science and Innovation of the Community of Madrid, which among its competences has been assigned the promotion of research and technological innovation programs in the business fabric and research organizations. National framework and as a case study, Madrid, make up this opening panel, focused on innovation.
Juan Antonio Tébar Chumillas
Ana Isabel Cremades Rodríguez
Andalucía Knowledge Opening Session
El Andalucía Knowledge Transfer es un espacio cuyos contenidos giran en torno al Sistema Andaluz del Conocimiento: la transferencia del conocimiento y la investigación e innovación abierta, como principales ejes de contenido.
El acto de bienvenida contará con la participación del Consejero de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía. Las temáticas que se abordarán en este foro son:
- Compra Pública de Innovación
- Retos en el sector de la defensa y aeroespacial
- Economía Azul
- Aplicaciones de Innovaciones a la sequía
- De la Universidad a la Empresa
José Carlos Gómez Villamandos
Mesa de debate
Tech Transfer at seed stage: European experiences
Juan Álvarez de Lara
Annukka Mickelsson
Magnus Eriksson
Round table
Next challenges in the Aerospace sector
Andalusia is one of the main European aerospace poles, which means collaboration opportunities in this strategic sector for the Andalusian economy. This round table will show the next challenges in the aerospace sector in Andalusia.Conferencia de apertura Research Center
Pablo Cortés Achedad
Carlos Maestro
Juan Román Gallego
Estela Guerrero García
Mesa de debate
Success through innovation
The Path of Success through Innovation? This panel is coordinated by the CDTI, the Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation (CDTI) which promotes innovation and technological development in Spanish companies by providing financial aid to carry out R&D+i business projects nationally and internationally. Four Spanish entities will share with us their vision on the keys to innovation to achieve success.
From the initial phase as a start-up, the business plan, the definition of the innovative idea, and the support for venture capital investment as an innovative company, MEALFOOD EUROPE (TEBRIO) will tell their point of view. We will also have a global vision in business R&D+I projects both, individually and in cooperation, with the representatives of two companies COSENTINO and KIMITEC. Furthermore, CTAEX, the Technological center will provide the keys to work in an excellence network Cervera and the promotion of its capacity to collaborate with different agents. All of them will exchange relevant information for the whole of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System.
Maria Pilar González Gotor
José Luis Llerena Ruiz
Adriana Casillas Barros
Antonio Leiva Rojo
Paz Carreras Segui
Science Room Opening session
The Science Room is a forum whose contents revolve around the transfer of knowledge: success stories and lessons learned; and research and innovation in health, as the main axes of content. The inaugural conference has the participation of the two main entities linked to this forum, the MITECO, perhaps one of the ministries with a more transcendental function at this time, such as the fight against climate change and against depopulation. The CTA -the sponsoring entity of this space- is a platform of excellence for Andalusian companies, specialized in technology transfer and in R&D&I evaluation and financing.
Vanessa Moreno Rangel
Research Center Opening Session
The Research Center is a forum whose contents revolve around the advances of research groups, startups, spinoffs and companies through the exhibition of solutions, opportunities and prototypes. The inaugural conference has the participation of the General Secretariat of Innovation of Spain, from the Ministry of Science and Innovation that is responsible for directing the powers in innovation and knowledge transfer; and with the participation of Centres de Recerca de Catalunya - CERCA, a group of centers of excellence based in Catalonia whose main objective is to ensure the development of the Catalan system of research centers.
Lluís Rovira Pato
Teresa Riesgo Alcaide
Mesa de debate
Major Innovation Public Procurement Projects in Spain for 2023
2023 will break the record of millions of euros contracted in PPI in Spain. Knowsulting, a leading company in the management of these projects, will present a map of opportunities and will invigorate a table in which four of its clients will present some of the most important initiatives in our country.
Manuel Varela Rey
Antonio Muruais Rodríguez
Pilar Morgade Morgade
Víctor Manuel Solla Bárcena
Ricardo Vázquez Pérez
Fireside Chat
Municipal observatory for social inclusion
The Observatory is a project started in 2012 by the Area of Social Rights, Equality, Accessibility and Inclusive Policies of the Malaga City Council, which is constituted as: - Operational tool to know the social reality of the population of Malaga in general and of the users of the Public System of Social Services in particular. - Bank of data and information that facilitates research and decision-making.
Lola Ruiz Segura
Juan Antonio Bermúdez García
Presentation of the DINA-ITC programme
La relación ciencia-innovación en España ha mejorado, según los últimos estudios, aunque estos también revelan que queda mucho por hacer en esa tarea y que es imprescindible reenfocarla e involucrar mucho más a los investigadores, sobre todo a los jóvenes, en ella.
El programa DINA-ITC 2021-2023 existe para dinamizar esa relación. Lo impulsa el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) a través de la Secretaría General de Innovación que lo financia, gracias al Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia del gobierno, con fondos Next Generation. DINA-ITC está presentando experiencias singulares que muestran las características y variedad de las relaciones, proporcionando formación a los actores del sistema español de innovación, y mostrando como perfeccionar la gobernanza de estos procesos. En esta presentación les describiremos cómo avanza este programa que coordina el Instituto de Gestión de la Innovación y del Conocimiento, (INGENIO, CSIC-UPV).
Teresa Riesgo Alcaide
Elena Castro Martínez
Malaga's innovation ecosystem: municipal initiatives to position the city at an international level. Expo2027 Malaga. The urban era: towards the sustainable city
Citizenship, innovation and the environment. More than three quarters of the world's population will be living in cities by 2050. A reflection and exchange of knowledge is needed to make population growth and urban development compatible with environmental protection. Innovation will be key to offering solutions that guarantee an improvement in the quality of life of city dwellers. Located in the productive triangle of Malaga (UMA, Malaga TechPark and Fycma), Expo 2027 Malaga will have 250,000 m2 exclusively for pavilions and 800,000 m2 including the adjoining land for logistics and housing.
Belén Jurado
Transfiere 2023 Opening
*Attendance is limited by invitation issued by the organisers and subsequent confirmation. The event will be broadcast live in the various free-to-attend forums.
Instrumentos de apoyo a la transición energética de la Industria
Se presentarán los instrumentos de apoyo para la transición energética de las PYMEs andaluzas disponibles a través de la Enterprise Europe Network.
Lucía Díaz Martín
Demo Day
Demo Day of the startups participating in the APTENISA Program
The Demo Day of the APTENISA Startup Ideation and Acceleration Program is the final activity of the program started just a year ago within Transfiere, which has led to 100 new business ideas and accelerated 32 startups, precisely those which during the demoday will present their value propositions to the investment community. The APTENISA program is promoted by the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) and co-financed by ENISA, and during its first edition 10 science and technology parks located in 8 different autonomous communities have participated: The 10 participating science and technology parks are as follows:
1. Garaia Technology Park
2. Parc Científic i Tecnològic Agroalimentari de Lleida
3. Málaga TechPark
4. Madrid Science Park Foundation
5. La Salle Technova Barcelona
6. Balearic Park of Technological Innovation (ParcBit)
7. Science and Technology Park of Tenerife
8. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Technology Park (Parque Tecnológico de las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
9. Alicante Science Park
10. Avilés Science and Technology Park "Isla de la Innovación".
José Bayón
Felipe Romera
Juan Carlos Marin Cano
María Paños González
Raúl Guerra Hernández
David Larrinaga Ortiz
Inmaculada Armenteros Jiménez
Ruka Muñiz Pimentel
Alex Gandol Cobo
Alberto Del Río Diéguez
Néstor Santiago Ávila
Ivan Romaña Rodríguez
Josune Ayo Ayo
Donell José Pérez González
Daniel Suárez Díaz
Patricia Puiggròs
Eugenio García Franco
Dani Gavaldà Castet
Marc Guiu Arbonés
Rebeca Villarroel Ramírez
Marta Corral Pujol
Alessandro Nati
Ester Seguí Munar
Carles Brunet Medina
Laura García Hernández
Guillem Lopez Garcia
Alberto Berenguer Pastor
Jesús Asterio Espadas de Carranza
Jaime Roberto Ticay Rivas
Juan Jiménez Recaredo
David Piñero P
Albert Clarimon Vilardebo
Guillermo Rubí Palomares
Mesa de debate
Tech Transfer tools and methodology for market-uptake: INTEGRADDE as a success story
Research and innovation institutions develop technologies that need to be validated by the market to have real market-uptake potential. They take technology-driven decisions instead of making market-driven ones. They need to confront them with potential clients to increase their impact on the market. During this session, panelists will present and discuss the Test-Before-Invest Concept done via an Expression of Interest (EOI) mechanism to scout and select early adopters, success cases from the European project INTEGRADDE and how to build a success community of early adopters. Join this session and learn how to become a Tech Transfer champion!
Graciela Garrido Grela
Manuel Correché
María Páez Guerrero
Fernando Sánchez Troncoso
Espacio reservado
Research Institutes Universidad de Málaga Session I
The Research Institutes constitute a basic organizational structure of the activity of scientific research, development and technological innovation (R+D+i) of the Spanish public system, and especially of the universities. The main functions of these are research, innovation, training and technology transfer around an area or field of knowledge.
Carmen Cortés Zaborras
Enrique Navarro Jurado
Félix López Figueroa
Iñaki Hormaza Urroz
Eduardo Rodríguez Bejarano
AcexHealth, Transformando startups andaluzas en empresas de éxito
Accelerator es un programa de aceleración de empresas de base tecnológica centrado en el ámbito de la salud que va por su 3ª edición. Se trata de una iniciativa que se puso en marcha en abril de 2021 y que está impulsada por la Fundación Parque Tecnológico de Ciencias de la Salud de Granada, la Universidad de Granada, la Fundación Progreso y Salud, la Cámara de Comercio de la ciudad y el campus CEIBioTic. En este panel, se dará a conocer el programa.
Lourdes Nuñez-Müller
Round table
Challenges for the Public Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia in the field of drought
The drought has a great economic impact in Andalusia affecting the productive sectors such as agriculture, livestock, tourism, industry or the energy sector, as well as a great impact on the environment. For this reason, several ministries of the Junta de Andalucía are affected, represented in the Monitoring Commission of the Drought in Andalusia. In this panel, the challenges for which these Andalusian public administrations are looking for innovative solutions will be presented.
Pablo Cortés Achedad
Ramiro Angulo
Fernando Delgado Ramos
Pilar Paneque Salgado
Round table
Open Innovation and Challenges in the Blue Economy
The purpose of this round table discussion is to present the specific challenges, projects and initiatives of open innovation in the framework of the Blue Economy in collaboration with start-ups, companies and research groups that are currently underway or being planned. Representatives of the Port Authorities of Seville, Huelva and Algeciras will participate.
María Jesús Mosquera
Manuel Francisco Martínez Torres
Jesús Medina Blanco
Elisa Oyonarte
Mesa de debate
Analysis and studies about social, technologic and economic impact of the Spanish Technology Centres
Technology Centers focus the analysis of their excellence not only by the usual indicators measuring their activity, but also by analysing the impact, direct or inducted, they have within those entities which are related to them. Social impact, fiscal returns or employment promoted within their clients, or any kind of improvement generated by their activity are also a key point of analysis for them.
We will present several initiatives developed by the Spanish Technology Centers in this topic.
Aureo Diaz-Carrasco Fenollar
Xavier López Luján
Gonzalo Belenguer Muncharaz
Jesús Valero Congil
Berta Gonzalvo Bas
Dirk Saseta Krieg
Round table
Research, development and innovation to boost hydrogen technologies
El hidrógeno renovable no genera emisiones contaminantes, por otra parte tiene la capacidad de ser almacenado como gas a presión o en estado líquido lo que permite que se pueda gestionar con más facilidad que otros vectores energéticos.
Distintos organismos internacionales han concluido que desde una perspectiva de recuperación económica, la inversión en proyectos ‘verdes’ genera más empleo y retorno económico a corto plazo por cada euro invertido, además de generar importantes ahorros económicos y ambientales a largo plazo.
El proyecto estratégico para la recuperación y transformación económica (PERTE) para Energías Renovables establece tres objetivos principales para dotar a España de las herramientas e instrumentos que permitan abordar con capacidades propias la transición energética.
Juan José Redondo Montoro
Mercedes Ballesteros Perdices
Antonio González García - Conde
Emilio Nieto Gallego
Antonio Chica Lara
Eduardo López González
Round table
Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI), in the 2021 – 2027 framework
La Compra Pública de Innovación (CPI) es una herramienta para fomentar la innovación desde el sector público, concretamente a través de la adquisición de soluciones innovadoras o de soluciones en fase de desarrollo. Los gobiernos y las empresas estatales que compra bienes, servicios y obras son los protagonistas de este panel: el gobierno de la Junta de Andalucía, el gobierno de España y el CDTI, entidad que desarrolla una constante prospectiva de las necesidades tecnológicas que pudiera tener la Administración Pública española.
Nieves Valenzuela Romero
María Vega Gil Díaz
Amanda Gil
Luis Pérez Díaz
Francisco Baeza Barrera
Mesa de debate
Innovation Lab, an innovative and sustainable laboratory of reference in Europe
The purpose of this is to attract talent and creative projects to Madrid Nuevo North in order to be able to export it to the whole Community of Madrid.
Innovation Lab Madrid is constituted by the Community of Madrid, Foundation Metropolis and MWCC.
The project is linked to the Madrid Nuevo Norte Regional Office and will serve to pool knowledge, experiences and new methods of sustainable design, with the aim of attracting investment, under a regime of legal certainty and reduction of administrative procedures.
All this will report to the constitution of the Madrid Metropolis 2040 project.
David García Nuñez
Tatiana Martínez
Espacio reservado
Acto entrega premios ''De Idea a Producto''
Presentación de los 15 proyectos que han participado en la primera convocatoria del programa 'De idea a producto', que promueve el desarrollo de proyectos empresariales innovadores y la cultura emprendedora entre los universitarios. La iniciativa, incluida en el Plan General de Emprendimiento de Andalucía, tiene como objetivo identificar las ideas de negocio de base tecnológica e innovadora presentadas por estudiantes de la comunidad universitaria andaluza y apoyar su lanzamiento en el mercado como producto y servicio. Así mismo se dará a conocer la 2º convocatoria del programa.
Pilar Marín Mateos
José Carlos Gómez Villamandos
Joaquín Segovia Alonso
Round table
Presentation of the MICINN Transfer and Collaboration Plan
Teresa Riesgo Alcaide
Catalina Martinez
Paco Marín Pérez
Introducing the new Deep Tech Study and deep tech portfolio of Finland
Industry Investment fund from Finland has conducted a study about Finland’s deep tech and collected all deep tech companies from Finland into a one list.
Maria Lacalle
Marko Vanska
Finland: Nature as an inspiration – Innovations that make you happy
Finland and Sweden are the guest countries in this 12th edition. The Nordic R&D&I ecosystem will be presented in this panel with the participation of representatives from the Swedish and Finnish public administrations, through different ministries, as well as companies and technology centers from both countries. Sweden and Finland will present their models of success based on learning, the implementation of a national R&D&I model, increased investment in this sector and the application of results in society.
Ignacio García Fenoll
Nina Vaskunlahti
Espacio reservado
Presentación de casos de éxito desde RedOTRI-CRUE Universidades Españolas
En esta sesión se expondrán casos de éxito de intercambio de transferencia de conocimiento de tres universidades españolas.
Salvador Coll Arnau
Pascual Muñoz Muñoz
Eva Martín Fierro
Eva Arrebola Díez
Mesa de debate
Finland: Nature as an inspiration – Innovations that make you happy
Finlandia y Suecia son los países invitados en esta 12ª edición. El ecosistema de I+D+i nórdico se dará a conocer en este panel en el que participan representantes de las Administraciones públicas suecas y finlandesas, a través de distintos ministerios del ramo, así como empresas y centros tecnológicos de ambos países. Suecia y Finlandia nos adelantan aquí sus modelos de éxito basados en el aprendizaje, la implantación de un modelo nacional de I+D+i, el aumento de inversión en este sector y la aplicación de resultados en la sociedad.
Ignacio García Fenoll
Fernando Corredor
Paloma Tello
Andro Lindsay
Jutta Kauppi
Maria Vuorensola
Mirkka Länsisalo
Sebastian Mellblom
Mesa de debate
Corporate Venturing: the booster of Tech Transfer
Juan Álvarez de Lara
Luis Castañeda
Erik Kolehmainen
Sergio Bandinelli
Marta Gómez Mariano
Round table
CPI project presentations Junta de Andalucía
The Public Purchase of Innovation "a very useful contracting mechanism to strengthen R&D&I in Andalusia" that allows to offer a response to certain needs, which have been identified by the public administration itself, but to which the market has not yet offered solutions. In this panel the next purchases of the Andalusian public administration in areas such as housing, agriculture, health, sustainability and mobility will be announced.
Manuel Ortigosa Brun
Encarnación Martinez Navarro
Francisco Campuzano Izquierdo
Javier Montero
Eva Martín
Manuel Márquez Pigner
Sweden: Digital Vikings – from Bluetooth to virtual doctors
Sweden has claimed the first position in the European Commission’s innovation rankings every year and is ranked top three in the Global Innovation Index. It is also, according to several rankings, one of the top most digitalized economies in the world. Sweden has made a strong commitment to applying new technologies such as AI and IoT to solve larger societal challenges, while retaining values such as openness, collaboration, integrity, and ethics. The contribution of the ICT sector to Sweden’s economy, as a share of GDP, is among the highest in the world. In this panel, representatives from the public sector, private sector, and academia, will explain Sweden’s journey and some of the factors behind this success, as well as detailing some of the newest digital innovations coming out of the country and the need for international collaboration.
Ignacio García Fenoll
Teppo Tauriainen
Elevator Pitch
Elevator Pitch – Prototypes presentations
Ernesto Martínez del Pino
Katri Kolesnik
Eduardo Pérez del Río
Gabriel Navarro
Mabel Torrens del Valle
Francisco Luque del Castillo
Ana Rubio Bustos
Manuel Cruz Yusta
Jesús Lozano Rogado
Round table
Sweden: Digital Vikings – from Bluetooth to virtual doctors
Sweden has claimed the first position in the European Commission’s innovation rankings every year and is ranked top three in the Global Innovation Index. It is also, according to several rankings, one of the top most digitalized economies in the world. Sweden has made a strong commitment to applying new technologies such as AI and IoT to solve larger societal challenges, while retaining values such as openness, collaboration, integrity, and ethics. The contribution of the ICT sector to Sweden’s economy, as a share of GDP, is among the highest in the world. In this panel, representatives from the public sector, private sector, and academia, will explain Sweden’s journey and some of the factors behind this success, as well as detailing some of the newest digital innovations coming out of the country and the need for international collaboration.
Ignacio García Fenoll
Olle Bergdahl
Fredrik Hallgren
Eva Stattin Stattin
Juan Ramiro
Virginia Zazo
Mesa de debate
Green hydrogen: a national project
FI Group es el encargado de generar una nueva mesa de debate en Transfiere con 5 ponentes. La consultora multinacional que cada año crece más ha puesto especial importancia en las energías limpias, acompañando al público hacer un breve repaso de lo que se vivió en 2022, cual es la actualidad, focalizando la información en el PERTE ERHA, Repower EU y las nuevas convocatorias (Valle Hidrogeno). Conducirán el debate para conocer como afrontan los grandes proyectos la estrategia de financiación, hablarán de un ecosistema colaborativo e intentaran encontrar unas conclusiones finales con todos los participantes.
Gerard Brinquis
José Manuel Torres Ramos
Juana Frontela Delgado
Alicia Carrasco
German López Lopez
Daniel Ramos Blasco
Mesa de debate
Technology Transfer and collaboration for Innovation Public Procurement of Innovation, collaborative projects and Innovative Clusters
What lines of action are available to boost technology and knowledge transfer for the development of innovative ecosystems?
Together with key players in the innovative ecosystem who will share their vision and best practices, we will address the different available tools fostering innovative ecosystems at the service of companies, institutions and public administrations.
Santiago Donat
Iván Aitor Lucas del Amo
Fernando Conesa
Rosa M. Sánchez
Cloud for Cultural Heritage. Finance oportunities 2023 in Cluster 2 - Europe Horizon
The European Framework Program for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, provides significant support for digitization tools that contribute to the management, conservation and use of Cultural Heritage. All this, through the 2023 call included in its Cluster 2: Culture, creativity and inclusive societies. In this panel, the Cloud Calls in the 2023-2024 Work Program of Cluster 2 will be presented, including a presentation on "The evolution of dependencies in innovation and research in Cloud Computing" and an open and interactive debate with the attendees.
Daniel Escacena
Carolina Rodríguez Bollain
Adeline Marcos
Ernesto Pimentel
16 /
February /
Capabilities of the Andalucian Universities
Exhibition of different projects, project results and capabilities of Andalusian universities, of interest to the business community.
Pablo Juan Cárdenas García
Adolfo Linares Rueda
José Luis Casas López
María Jesús Mosquera
Manuel Chiachio Ruano
Juan Chiachio Ruano
Round table
Public-private collaboration in the defence field
The current geopolitical map raises the need for greater public-private collaboration in the defense sector; a sector in which Andalusia has great growth potential. In this sense, this panel will delve into these opportunities for cooperation of SMEs and research groups around the major challenges with the sector's driving companies and the public administration itself.
Librado Carrasco Otero
Juan Carlos Díaz Cuadra
César Simón López
Enrique Ruiz Alonso
Emilio Tuñón Nieto
José Andrés López de Fez
Mesa de debate
Cutting-Edge Biotechnology in Healthcare
To highlight the work of the biotechnology sector in key areas such as advanced therapies, personalized medicine, drug discovery, antibiotic resistance and access to innovation, in order to boost cutting-edge healthcare and thus strengthen our healthcare system.
Ion Arocena Vélez
Javier Terriente Félix
Lourdes Planelles Carazo
Gurutz Linazasoro
Cristina Nadal Sanmartin
Laura Pellise
Mesa de debate
Open innovation and investment in the health sector: Trends and visión
In this session, we will present CinfaNext, Cinfa’s new open innovation platform, followed by a round table trends of open innovation and investment in health. We will have different points of view from relevant agents, with a Corporate (Cofares), an accelerator (Lanzadera) and a venture capital firm (Clave).
Julio M. Sanchez Mar
Santiago Lozano Manterola
Jorge Guelbenzu Lapresta
Ismael Valero
Round table
Encuentro empresarial Andalucía – Lituania
Misión comercial multisectorial de empresas lituanas a Málaga. Se presentará Andalucía como destino de inversiones y los principales sectores productivos de Lituania.
Las empresas lituanas se presentarán brevemente y posteriormente se abrirá un espacio para el networking.
La sesión está organizada por la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA y por Lithuanian Innovation Centre, como miembros de la Enterprise Europe Network.
Stephane Ruiz
Elena Gallego Gallego Cañabate
Miguel Guardiola Villamarín
Sigitas Besagirskas
Round table
How to get public support for setting up an EBT? National case studies
The idea of setting up one's own business is a dream that many people have had at some time in their lives and that is becoming a reality more and more frequently every day. For some time now, we have been living immersed in a world economic framework characterized by the competition of new economies, competitiveness and globalization. The NEOTEC Program aims to support the creation and consolidation of technology-based companies. It presents a series of real cases of Spanish EBTs whose activity is focused on the exploitation of products or services based on the development of technology, based on the creation of their own R&D&I lines.
Maria Pilar González Gotor
Miguel Angel Cubero Marquez
Enrique Hernández Jiménez
Mario Garcés
Technology transfer in the Basque Country to promote a new digital and sustainable industrial model
The Basque industry has been able to adapt to technological changes by facing the double digital and sustainable transition. Companies and centers of the Basque Research Technology Alliance will present results of collaborative projects as an example of knowledge transfer in different technological fields and the support programs used to carry them out.
Cristina Oyón Oyon
Alberto Fernandez Gonzalez
Germán Pérez Morán
Jesús Busturia
Ander Azkarate Olaran
Ibai Inziarte Hidalgo
Jon Mabe
Estibaliz Hernaez Laviña
Mesa de debate
The CERCA System. Research Centres of Catalonia
The CERCA System has captured 530 M€ from the EU's H2020 Framework Program. This puts us in fifth place, just behind the Max Planck centres system. What the pillars of this success are and what we can contribute to will be discussed in this session.
Lluís Rovira Pato
Marga Nadal
Laia Pellejà i Puxeu
Laia Arnal Arasa
Helena Castillo Ecija
Challenges and opportunities for R&D&I in energy decarbonization 2025-2030
In the panel, the platforms that make up the "Coordination Committee of Technology Platforms in the Energy Sphere (CCPTE)" will contribute their vision on the "Challenges and opportunities of R&D&I in energy decarbonisation 2025-2030".
The session will also include the participation of the State Research Agency, which will give a presentation on medium and long-term tools for research and development, and the intervention of the Ministry for Ecological Transformation and Demographic Challenge (MITECO). Focused on PERTE and REPowerEU.
María Luisa Castaño Marín
Marian Ferre Gonzalez
Miriam Bueno Lorenzo
Margarita de Gregorio
Paloma Pérez Pacheco
Victoria Campos Alonso
Pascual Polo Amblar
Antonio González García - Conde
Javier Dies Llovera
Guillermo José Escobar López
Luis Díaz Fernández
Sandra Cubero Rosado
Jesus Palma
Round table
Open innovation, the key to maintining competitiveness in the agri-food sector
Open innovation is reshaping the agri-food landscape. Most of the agri-food companies that are not yet taking advantage of open innovation will do so by the end of this decade. This panel will show some of the programs and initiatives that currently pose open innovation challenges in the sector by large tractor companies, to promote collaboration with SMEs, start-ups and research centers/groups, facilitating the development of sustainable and competitive technological solutions.
José Ángel Narvaéz Bueno
Andrés Martín Gómez
Ana Belén Cabezas Serrano
Juan Carlos Gázquez Garrido
Manuel Torralbo Rodriguez
Espacio reservado
The Research Institutes Universidad de Málaga - Session II
The Research Institutes constitute a basic organizational structure of the activity of scientific research, development and technological innovation (R+D+i) of the Spanish public system, and especially of the universities. The main functions of these are research, innovation, training and technology transfer around an area or field of knowledge.
José Francisco Aldana Montes
Maria del Carmen Aguayo Torres
Isabel Barbancho
María Cristina Toledo Báez
Francisco Javier Lima Florido
Mesa de debate
5G Technology as innovation enabler. Present and Future
The purpose of the panel is to visualize through concrete use cases how 5G technology is being decisive in the development of innovation in multiple sectors. We will talk about the state of evolution of 5G technology and its real practical applications in various areas of industry and research, visualizing the near future and the possibilities it offers.
José Antonio González Florido
Pedro Merino Gómez
Juan Carlos Mora Jiménez
Leonor Ostos Moliz
Mesa de debate
Support for innovative entrepreneurship and university-business knowledge transfer: the INTECMED experience
Presentation of success stories and lessons learned from the incubation programme, support for innovative entrepreneurship and university-business technology transfer promoted in Andalusia by the international INTECMED project.
Maria Garcia Alegre
Anne Furphy
Manuel Ibáñez Prieto
Félix Biscarri Triviño
Antonio L. Leal Rodriguez
Álvaro Arrescurrenaga Sánchez
The sustainable opportunity in mobility
Somos la empresa líder del medio de transporte colectivo que menos contamina. Eso es una suerte y también una responsabilidad, así que trabajamos cada día para multiplicar esa ventaja hasta el máximo, desde todos los ámbitos del Grupo Renfe. El resultado de ese trabajo se llama Sostenibilidad y para nosotros es la prioridad. Al futuro, sin duda, se viaja en tren.
Maria Lacalle
Valentín Alegría Gallardo
Round table
Open Innovation in Citizen Science
According to the 'Green Book of Citizen Science' Citizen Science projects involve the general public in scientific activities and encourage the active contribution of citizens to research through their intellectual effort, their general knowledge or their tools and resources. Citizen science is emerging as an accessible tool for social intervention that allows communities to address the challenges that concern them, while providing the scientific community with a new space for both direct dialogue and collaboration in the development of certain research projects that would otherwise be unaffordable.
Teresa Cruz Sánchez
Pilar Paneque Salgado
Jorge Barba Borderías
Alberto Jiménez Gómez
Round table
Science Equity funds: when you're looking for technology transfer, size matters
María Pilar Carrato Mena
Santiago Lozano Manterola
Almudena Trigo
José Zudaire
Javier Ulecia
Round table
Strategic projects for economic recovery and transformation (PERTE): microelectronics and semiconductors framework
Given the growing demand for semiconductors in key sectors such as automotive or household appliances and the need to accelerate autonomy in chip manufacturing, this PERTE aims to strengthen the design and production capabilities of the microelectronics and semiconductor industry in Spain from an integral perspective and to promote national and EU strategic autonomy in this sector, in line with the provisions of the recently proposed European Chip Law. In this round table discussion, moderated by the Ricardo Valle Institute, representatives of MINECO present their strategic projects in this framework.
José Manuel Leceta
Juan Manuel Revuelta
Laura Delgado Yunquera
Eduardo Valencia
Commitment to innovation from the territorial administration
The Autonomous Administrations are entrusted with the management of innovation as a fundamental axis for the development of their territories. This broad portfolio includes the management of entrepreneurship and the startup system, smart specialization in key sectors of the regions' economies, innovation ecosystems -technology centers, science parks and universities-, and public-private collaboration (open innovation). In this panel, representatives of the governments of Andalusia, Asturias, Madrid, the Basque Country, Extremadura and the Canary Islands will present their commitment to innovation in their territories.
Marta Raspall Muntañola
Fidel Rodríguez Batalla
Experimentation capabilities in Gran Canaria for the blue and circular economy
En Gran Canaria se localizan las áreas de investigación y experimentación de la Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias (PLOCAN) y del Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias. Además, la isla es sede de dos incubadoras nacionales en Alta Tecnología (una en Biotecnología Marina y Acuicultura; otra en Inteligencia Artificial vinculada al sector marino). Los recursos de I+D+i están vinculados principalmente a la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Esta institución cuenta con 118 grupos de investigación con más de 1.000 investigadores nucleados en torno a 11 institutos de investigación.
Las áreas más relevantes de investigación están relacionadas con las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, economía azul, las energías renovables, desalinización, la conservación medioambiental y la biotecnología marina y acuicultura.
Juan Ramón Rodríguez Alemán
Gonzalo Piernavieja Izquierdo
Sebastian López Suárez
Alejandro Romero Filgueira
Round table
Commitment to innovation from the territorial administration.
The Autonomous Administrations are entrusted with the management of innovation as a fundamental axis for the development of their territories. This broad portfolio includes the management of entrepreneurship and the startup system, smart specialization in key sectors of the regions' economies, innovation ecosystems -technology centers, science parks and universities-, and public-private collaboration (open innovation). In this panel, representatives of the governments of Andalusia, Asturias, Madrid, the Basque Country, Extremadura and the Canary Islands will present their commitment to innovation in their territories.
Marta Raspall Muntañola
Fidel Rodríguez Batalla
Iván Aitor Lucas del Amo
Nieves Valenzuela Romero
Jesús Alonso Sánchez
Cosme García Falcón
Spin off, Andalusian universities
Experiencia de investigadores de la universidad que han apostado por la creación de sus propias empresas como motor de desarrollo, aplicando el conocimiento adquirido y desarrollado en sus grupos de investigación.
Alejandra Brome Robles
Pilar Flores Cubos
Ismael Rodríguez Maestre
Carlos Pérez Sánchez
Juan Manuel Martín García
Juan Diego Borrero Sánchez
Isaac Agudo Ruiz
Víctor A. Bañuls Silvera
Rafael Fernández Cañero
Ángela Escobar Mimbrera
Mesa de debate
Evidence-based policies: Tools for knowledge transfer to the public sector
The objective of this session is to share different tools that allow the incorporation of knowledge in regulation and public policies. These are methodologies that, with different levels of exposure and cost, can provide evidence that reduces uncertainty and allow, in the public sphere, the scaling up of solutions step by step -in a similar way to what happens with industrial innovations-.
There are at least four modalities of knowledge that could contribute to the design of policies.
1) Pre-existing knowledge, and for this we must promote the function of scientific advice to governments and parliaments,
2) Knowledge generated ad hoc in simulation experiments or in real public policy pilots – random control trials-
3) Knowledge encapsulated in solutions offered the private sector, promoting for this purpose tools that facilitate their testing and acquisition, such as sandboxes or pre-commercial public purchase schemes.
And 4) Knowledge co-created with public employees themselves and their users through various models, such as citizen laboratories or living labs.
Jorge Barrero Fonticoba
Diego Moñux Chércoles
Paula Salinas
Lorenzo Melchor Fernández
Emotions in organizations: disturbance or asset
“If one has the stomach to add the breakages, upheavals, distortions, inversions of all this chambermade music one stands, given a grain of goodwill, a fair chance of actually seeing the whirling dervish, tumult, son of thunder, self exiled in upon his ego” James Joyce, Finnegan's wake.
Guglielmo Fiorillo
Round table
Strategic projects for economic recovery and transformation (PERTE): venture support, new framework in different sectors as the agrifood and industrial, as others
The objective of this PERTE is to promote the integrated development of the entire agri-food chain through the digitalization of processes and the incorporation of knowledge and innovation. The aim is to facilitate access to healthy, safe and sustainable food that meets the needs of an increasingly segmented population and with a greater demand for food with healthy and environmentally sustainable attributes. At this round table, different representatives of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism will analyze these initiatives from their different areas. Extremadura, whose agri-food sector is a basic pillar of its economy, will moderate the debate.
Raúl Natividad Más
Álvaro Simón de Blas
Carmen González Ramos
Esther Borao Moros
Pablo Coca
Elevator Pitch
Elevator Pitch – Presentation of prototypes
Space in which content on software, companies working in the IT sector, quality standards, cybersecurity, IoT, cloud computing, AI, etc. are grouped.
Mª Eugenia Taillefer de Prado
Jara Pascual Soldevilla
Isabel Barbancho
Daniel Gaeta Vergara
Carlos Manuel Hidalgo Ternero
Carlos Baena
Germán García Mancebo
Mariana Flink Flink
Sheyna Garicano Gordon
Deep-tech investment by Cristobal Alonso, CEO of Startup Wise Guys
Cristobal Alonso gives his perspective and learnings on how the Startup Wise Guys accelerator and startups have gained importance in the DeepTech startup ecosystem.
Maria Lacalle
Cristobal Alonso Martín
Round table
Strategic projects for economic recovery and transformation (PERTE): cutting-edge health framework
The aim of this PERTE is to improve the health of the population through diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive innovation in the National Health System, which in turn will promote the generation of industrial fabric and the creation of quality employment. Representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, sectoral associations and health representatives of the Spanish government and the European Union shared their opinions at this round table discussion.
Amelia Martín Uranga
Ion Arocena Vélez
Izabel Alfany
Juan Luis Romera Santiago
Elevator Pitch
Elevator Pitch – Presentation of prototypes
Space in which content on software, companies working in the IT sector, quality standards, cybersecurity, IoT, cloud computing, AI, etc. are grouped.
Félix J. García Clemente
Esteban García Martínez
Manrique Canteli Sanchez
Darío Bernal Casasola
Eduardo López Fraguas
Presentation: Bioeconomy Venture
When we hear the word startup, we usually associate it with an innovative, disruptive idea with high potential. However, around 90% of these companies fail within their first three years of lifespan, mainly due to a lack of funding and management skills of their founders. In this context, the BIOECONOMYVENTURES project, that we are presenting at Transfiere 2023, is facilitating their access to funding while expanding the bio-based industry in the EU by accelerating the market entry of new technologies, processes, products, and applications.
Maria Lacalle
Olga de Blas Gómez de Segura
Completed Knowledge Transfer Projects of Andalusian Universities
Presentation of interesting projects completed by the University that have been funded in the PAIDI AT17 call and presentation of the results obtained in Research and Transfer so far.
Juan Antonio Muñoz Orellana
Ricardo Hernández Molina
Alejandro Rodríguez
M. Reyes Sánchez Herrera
Juan Pedro Bandera Rubio
María José Escalona Cuaresma
Open Call for Deep Tech Start-ups
Elevator pitch: Open Call for Deep Tech Start-ups
After the success of past editions, Transfiere 2023 has launched the III Open Call for Deep Tech Start-ups sponsored by DayOne CaixaBank, coordinated by EEN and EBAN. The selected European start-ups with Deep Tech projects have the opportunity -with this elevator pitch- to increase their visibility in front of national and international investors, experts in the sector.
Maria Lacalle
Stephane Ruiz
Carlos Dorronsoro Díaz
Lluis Llibre Codina
Jorge López Moreno
Andrea Cabanes Gil
Helena Castillo Ecija
Josune Ayo Ayo
Javier Fernández Díaz
Andy Wynn
Nikita Uzhegov
Jose Casado
Round table
Successful transfer case: vulcanology-Cabildo de La Palma, Canary Islands Government
Science, research and innovation are strategic allies in preventing and mitigating the effects of natural disasters such as the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano. The Cabildo de La Palma shows -as a success story- how volcanological studies are essential for prevention, decision making and to minimize the damage caused, as well as for the recovery after the volcanic crisis on the island.
María Luisa Castaño Marín
Inés Galindo Jiménez
Javier Maira Vidal
Cayetano Guillén Martín
Amilcar José Cabrera García
Mesa de debate
CERCAGINYS: technological platforms a key piece in knowledge transfer
CERCAGINYS showcases over 200 technological platforms from the CERCA System. This is an innovative and differential initiative aimed at the internal and external research market, with open access, priced and over 45 quality accreditations. A key piece in knowledge transfer.
Roger Cabezas
Montse Salguero Pulido
Aina Rodríguez Vilarrupla
Eduardo Salas
Cristina Vilarmau Marsinyach
Malaga's innovation ecosystem: municipal initiatives to position the city at an international level. Presentation Study of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Malaga
More than 40 key players of the innovation-based entrepreneurship ecosystem of the province met at the request of the University of Malaga and the City Council of the capital, through the municipal company Promálaga. Through different dynamics and tools provided by the GED team, the actors worked collaboratively to define the structure and dynamics of the Malaga entrepreneurial ecosystem. The GED methodology gives visibility to the city's entrepreneurs and resources that facilitate business development and the internationalization of Malaga entities. The results of this workshop are presented in this panel.
Francisco Salas
Rafael Ventura
Víctor Sánchez Trejo
Transfer Projects with Campuses of Excellence
Presentation of six projects of collaborative interest, which have been awarded through competitive concurrence, in which agents attached to the Fields of International Excellence (CEI) have participated. All these projects are aimed at providing solutions to the challenges of Andalusian society in accordance with the Research and Innovation Strategy for the Smart Specialization of Andalusia RIS3 Andalusia and the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI 2020).
Rosario Jiménez Rodriguez
José Ángel Siles López
Francisco Gámiz Pérez
Carlos Ruiz Cánovas
Irene Montilla Torres
José Manuel García Nieto
Manuel Pérez Ruiz
Round table
Strategic projects for economic recovery and transformation (PERTE): circular economy framework
The circular economy is a production and consumption model that seeks to extend the useful life of products (sharing, reusing, repairing, renting), which in practice translates into reducing the waste generated to a minimum. This concept contrasts with the traditional linear economic model based on produce, consume and throw away. Overcoming this model is vital to ensure the sustainability of the planet, bearing in mind that natural resources are finite, and to gain in efficiency and competitiveness. At this roundtable, MITECO will present its initiatives to achieve a sustainable, decarbonized, resource-efficient and competitive economy.
Francisco Salvador Bretones
Maite Fernandez Peña
Marta Sebastian de Erice
Claudia Marín Fabregas
Javier Pazos Parent
Juan José Denis Corrales
Espacio reservado
The challenge of the gender gap in the STEAM sectors: Driving innovative policies
The Sustainable Development Goals and the Digital Education Action Plan of the European Union include the reduction of the gender gap in STEAM sectors as a priority strategic objective. The roundtable will explore the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) policies that pursue this objective in order to have a real impact on the European innovation ecosystem. Representatives from the business and education ecosystem will discuss challenges, results, gaps and needs to be addressed.
Antoni Pijoan Pijoan
Maite Del Castillo Cantera
Sol Villar Abeytua
María Eugenia Martín Hidalgo
Magda Rosenmöller
Malaga's innovation ecosystem: municipal initiatives to position the city at an international level. Presentation of the Malaga Coastal Plan by the General Coordination of Infrastructures and Projects of the Malaga City Council
The Málaga Litoral Plan is a global project for the city and the metropolitan area that integrates urban planning, transport and environment. Its main objectives are the promotion of public transport by bus and the integration of the historic center with the port and the sea, recovering space for pedestrians to the detriment of private vehicles, but always seeking a balance between modes of transport. The Málaga Litoral Plan includes the Eje Litoral, a 2.3 km tunnel to eliminate traffic between the Historic Center and the Port and the sea. In addition to its road infrastructure component, the Eje Litoral is being designed as an intelligent and sustainable corridor.
Penélope Gómez Jiménez
17 /
February /
ENISA: Financing lines for 2023, Start-ups certification
Juan Manuel Garrido Moreno
Mesa de debate
Challenges for a new Asturias
Asturias needs to implement a solid smart specialization strategy (S3) to face its own challenges that guarantee its economic transformation. We will address each one of them, in terms of R&D&I, with the main agents of the innovative ecosystem in Asturias.
Iván Aitor Lucas del Amo
Juan Díaz García
Cristina Fanjul Alonso
Jorge García García
David González Fernández
Faustino Blanco González
Fireside Chat
A national deep tech plan for Spain
Deep tech is at the heart of contemporary issues: on a geopolitical level, it is the confrontation stone of the Sino-US duel for global leadership and on an economic level, it is one of the answers to the current great challenges of humanity (food security, global warming and decarbonization, pandemic, energy supply...). To avoid getting stuck in stagflation and to remain independent and sovereign, governments must invest massively in deep tech. France, Germany and the United Kingdom have launched deep tech plans and it is part of the European Commission's "New Innovation Agenda", which the Spanish presidency of the EU will have to carry forward from July onward.
Faÿçal Hafied
Oihana Basilio Ruiz de Apodaca
Innovative Solutions to Drought. Andalusian Platform PLAN SEQUÍA
The Andalusian Government has launched PLAnd SEQUÍA Andalucía due to the drought situation in the Autonomous Community. It is an open Andalusian Innovation Platform for the Reception, Identification, Analysis and Transfer of Capacities and Solutions to face the drought of the Andalusian companies and the R&D&I agents of the Andalusian Knowledge System (SAC). In this panel, some of the solutions that have been identified through this platform and that can provide solutions to the needs of the Administration will be presented.
Leonor Camacho Cascajo
Ángel Ruiz Contreras
Saturnino José González Aguilera
Antonio Javier Guisado Baena
Maria Velasco
Juan José Muñoz Rodríguez
Iván Iglesias
Javier Dávila Martín
José Moya López
Julio Pedraza Navarro
Isaac Timón
Miguel Angel Ruiz Fernandez
Jose Damian Ruiz Sinoga
Juan Manuel Martín García
Mesa de debate
Generation of Business Opportunities: industrial property and use of patents
It is important to know and analyze the challenges, near and future, that we face in terms of Industrial Property and technological development at the service of the prosperity and progress of society.
The use of protected rights, such as patents, strengthen the image of our companies and researchers and speak of their reputation and visibility against their competitors, especially when the market clusters are very close.
The transfer and management of knowledge are anchored in a common ecosystem of Public Policies, International Economy, Business Innovation or Research that makes strategic use of Industrial Property as a factor of differentiation and legal protection in national and international markets.
María José de Concepción Sánchez
Javier Etxabe
Maria Pilar González Gotor
María Jaureguízar Redondo
Round table
Technology transfer, entrepreneurship support and investment opportunities. New avenues of R&D&I funding for academia, spinoffs, startups and SMEs
Both the public and private sectors offer different R&D&I funding instruments, as well as training and acceleration programs for companies in the Spanish innovative entrepreneurship ecosystem. In this panel we will have the vision of a public administration such as the Cabildo de Gran Canaria which, through the Spegc, promotes investment for the creation of companies; a company dedicated to the financing of the R+D+i ecosystem through private investment; and a Spanish university, the University of Murcia, whose OTRI holds almost 60% of the research capacity of the region. All this under the moderation of the competent body for SME support of the Government of Spain.
Mónica Castilla Baylos
Cosme García Falcón
Carolina Pola de Vivar
Félix J. García Clemente
Sebastian López Suárez
Mesa de debate
Innovation and Technology Transfer Ecosystem in Castilla y León
Panel combining different players of Castilla y León innovation and technology transfer Ecosystem, and focused on agri-food case, particularly relevant in Castilla y León (and Spain). It will be discussed the different steps made to groom this ecosystem, the opportunities and challenges faced, both from individual and ecosystem perspective.
Organized by NODDO as Castilla y León technology center network. With the participation of the Institute for business competitiveness (ICE) as regional administration, Flor Burgalesa as food mid-sized company of remarkable innovation performance, VITARTIS as agri-food sector association and CETECE as technology center with great agri-food footprint.
Eduardo Andrés Martínez
Augusto Cobos Pérez
Roberto De Miguel García
Cristina Ramírez de Lara
Eva De La Gala Antolin
Round table
Impact of large scientific infrastructures on industry. IFMIF-DONES, an Andalusian reality
International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility - Demo Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is a novel single-site research infrastructure to test, validate and qualify materials to be used in future fusion power plants as DEMO (a prototype demonstration fusion reactor). It is a unique infrastructure, located in Granada, as a commitment of the Junta de Andalucía. This panel will present the impact it will have on the Andalusian economy and the opportunities it will bring.
Enrique Herrera Viedma
José Aguilar Medina
Pilar Gil Jaldo
José Miguel Carmona Torres
Erik Fernández Escudero
Espacio reservado
Conclusions: RedOTR Sessions 2023
During the session we will present the conclusions of the RedOTRI Conference. RedOTRI is the network of Research Results Transfer Offices (OTRI) of Spanish universities whose mission is to promote and disseminate the role of universities as essential elements within the national innovation system.
The conclusions of the working sessions developed within the framework of Transfiere will be presented, which have dealt with the following aspects: gender considerations in the processes of knowledge generation and transfer, the new framework for the creation of spin-offs and their impact on the evolution of the transfer model of universities, public procurement of innovation, and the professional career in the field of knowledge transfer. Special emphasis will be placed on the premiere presentation of the aggregate results of research and knowledge transfer of Spanish universities in the year 2021. The Patents Week initiative of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria will also be presented, a pioneer event at national level in dissemination and training on Industrial Property whose main objective is to give visibility and raise awareness of the importance and value of protecting quality research, in order to contribute to technological progress and development.
Salvador Coll Arnau
Sebastian López Suárez
Deep Tech Venture Building: successfully bringing technologies from lab to market
Both public and private agents increasingly focus on deep tech entrepreneurship as an effective strategy to transfer sophisticated technologies to the market. Thus, it is necessary to develop ecosystems in which the three fundamental pillars of any innovation ecosystem can be interrelated:
- People who generate technology-based ideas (minds). - Managers capable of transforming technological ideas into business opportunities (management). - Investors who are committed to deep tech (money) entrepreneurial initiatives.
During his presentation, Asier Rufino, CEO of TECNALIA Ventures, will share his perspective on the key role that venture builders play in the development of these environments of interrelation between minds, management and money.
Asier Rufino
Round table
Ten Technologies to boost Spain
Paco Marín Pérez
Eugenio Mallol
Elevator Pitch
Elevator Pitch – Prototypes presentations
Diego Tejada Guzmán
Julio José Caparrós Mancera
Round table
Knowing the legal framework of action in the field of transfer research
The purpose of this round table discussion is to provide training for academia agents so that they can learn about different business models, how to approach them and how to go to market. Representatives of the University will participate.
Juan Gómez Ortega
Salustiano Mato de la Iglesia
Rafael Oriol Hurtado de Mendoza
Elizabeth Malagelada
Carlos Artal de Lara
Luis Ignacio Vicente del Olmo
Round table
From the University to the startup. Session I
Startups andaluzas, con tecnología propietaria y disruptiva, contarán el estado del arte de su tecnología ante grupos de investigación de las universidades andaluzas para buscar y compartir conocimientos en la participación de programas europeos que les permitan encontrar financiación conjunta para sus proyectos de futuro.
Alberto de Azevedo Hermida
Rosa Siles Moreno
Mesa de debate
The third mission of the university through science and technology parks
During the round table, it will be made clear that the fact of promoting a science and technology park gives its promoting universities more facilities and opportunities to develop the third mission of the university. Two of the universities participating in the round table, the University of Malaga and the University Carlos III of Madrid, are accredited as "Entrepreneurial Universities". The objective of APTE is to stimulate this type of accreditation among all the member parks of the Association that are promoted by universities, as well as to contribute to the strategy of Spain Entrepreneurial Nation by promoting entrepreneurship ecosystems connected at a national level through all the science and technology parks present throughout Spain.
Soledad Díaz Campos
JosepM Piqué
Carlos Blanco
Rafael Ventura
Manel Arrufat Albiol
Mesa de debate
Entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem of Navarra, among the European leaders in innovation
The culture of innovation is fully integrated in Navarra. Universities, companies, research centers and clusters work together with the Government of Navarra in an ecosystem of innovation, transferring science and technology to industries and society.
Navarra is one of the only two Spanish regions that has received the qualification of "Remarkable Innovator" by the European Union.
For this reason, it is no coincidence that Navarra is one of the leading European regions in company consolidation according to the international GEM study.
María Sanz de Galdeano Arocena
Uxue Itoiz Mariñelarena
Mariano Oto Vinues
María Mena Varas
Daniel Gómez-Bravo
Iban Latasa Zudaire
Elevator Pitch
Elevator Pitch – Prototypes presentations
Alejandra Jiménez Moncayo
José Antonio Aguado
Gonzalo Ramos Jiménez
Luis Caballero Ontanaya
Félix Marín
Jesús Sancho Giaever
Luis Nicolás Ponce González
Marcos Rollón Rivas
Jesús Manuel Gómez de Gabriel
Carlos Pérez del Pulgar
Javier Pérez Fernández
Pedro Burgos Pintos
Rafael Zarzuela Sánchez
María Soledad Cárdenas Aranzana
Fireside Chat
The role of universities as a loudspeaker for Knowledge Transfer
The university is entrusted, as one of its fundamental missions, with the transfer of knowledge, that is, the transfer of information generated by scientific research both to the sphere of science in order to advance it, and to society as a whole and other particular areas, such as the business framework. In this panel the two public administrations responsible for universities, the Government of Spain and the Regional Government of Andalusia, give us their overall vision of the transforming power of scientific knowledge.
Jose Pingarrón Carrazón
Ramón Herrera De Las Heras
The clusters’ leadership to promote innovation as a transformative element
The clusters add companies and entities that provide knowledge under common variables (location, business and/or territory), to deploy actions to strengthen competitiveness with economies of scale. At the same time, they allow evolution towards the creation of innovation systems if the appropriate leadership conditions and network effect are created.
Francesc Ribera Grau
Àlex Brossa Enrique
Rosa M. Sánchez
Enrique Cobreros García
Sara Martínez Casasnovas
Raquel Gómez Martínez
Daniel Gónzalez Bootello
Jon Mitxelena Arrieta
Round table
Specific innovation policies
España está en una posición inadecuada en los rankings mundiales que ordenan a los países en esta actividad. Las políticas que se han desplegado hasta el presente no logran mejorar esa posición y por lo tanto nos es obligado repensar qué estamos haciendo mal para que a pesar de nuestra razonable posición en Ciencia no alcancemos los puestos que nos corresponden de acuerdo a nuestra potencia industrial como país avanzado.
En esta Mesa Redonda se van a presentar las idas que el Foro de Empresas Innovadoras (FEI ) y el IND+I han estado elaborando para su discusión con el Sistema Español interesado en la Innovación de forma que las próximas revisiones de las Estrategias y los Planes que se han de formular en breve contengan propuestas que modifiquen el presente estado de las cosas.
Paco Marín Pérez
Eva Pando Iglesias
Aurea Rodriguez
Ezequiel Navarro
An innovative way of relationship between the banking sector and the ecosystem of start-ups, scale-ups and their investors
Victoria Eugenia Blanco
Round table
Award Ceremony for the winning Startup of the “Open Call for Deep Tech Start-ups”
The selection criteria are based on concepts such as scalability, market viability, impact on society, suitability of the human team and knowledge transfer or collaboration with research centers or universities. The award ceremony brings the Agora program and the celebration of this 12th edition of Transfiere to a close.
Digital Eye. Meeting point towards Digital Transformation
The Spanish Digital Transformation Congress (CETDi) is the meeting point for experts and companies around the digital transformation ecosystem with a high level of content and intellectual leadership by the participants. This session will present the conclusions reached during the two days held.