CM Málaga


  Program 2023

Program 2023


Monday 19 / June / 2023


Virtual guided tours of collections and exhibitions: how to create new experiences for your audiences with digital twins

Imparted by:

  • Madpixel

Aimed at: 

  • Directors of museums and cultural institutions, responsible for mediation and education

Based on real experiences carried out with several museums, we will work in a practical way on the innovative opportunities (education, dissemination, monetization...) offered by virtual guided tours, pre-recorded or live, of the digital twins of collections and exhibitions.


Design of urban environments for cultural promotion

Imparted by:

  • Ana Monreal. Co-founder and project manager, ROJOmandarina, a product design, branding and strategy agency
  • Inés Millán. Co-founder and brand manager, ROJOmandarina creative agency

Aimed at:

  • Cultural managers, public administrations, cultural event organizers, curators, project managers

Practical exposition of a method based on projective, creative and co-creation tools applied to the ideation of an urban environment for promoting culture or carrying out a specific cultural action in it. In such a way that solutions are devised that take considerations such as people's health, resilience to climate change, service, usability of the elements of the space that relate to people, the person as the center, sustainability and cultural aspects of each city or neighborhood.


Technical Table: Caring for collections. Competencies of conservation and restoration professionals in the museums

Moderator and Component:

  • Elena López. Founding Partner, Association of Museologists and Museographers of Andalusia (AMMA)


  • Beatriz Castellano.  Head of Projects Department, Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute (IAPH)
  • María López. Preventive Conservation Unit Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute (IAPH)
  • Benjamín Domínguez. Conservator-Restorer of cultural property, Painting Department, University of Seville (US)
  • Estrella Arcos. Conservator, Quibla Restaura

The conservation and restoration of the heritage legacy is one of the main functions of the museum. This function is materialised in the execution of preventive strategies and intervention projects for the collections, carried out by multidisciplinary teams, following criteria and a methodology derived from the extensive experience of our technicians, through entities such as the IAPH. Research is the backbone of any intervention for the conservation and enhancement of Cultural Heritage.

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NFTS, Digital Art and the BYN Community- Embracing the future of art

Imparted by: 

  • Beatriz Lizarraga. Digital Projects and Innovation Manager, - ABC Newspaper

Aimed at: 

  • Artists, art curators, artistic directors and exihibition managers in museums, galleries and cultural institutions

A participatory workshop that aims to clarify to the participants what NFTs are, how they are changing the art world, and how they can adapt to these changes in their own institutions.


"Culture, creativity and inclusive society" Cluster 2 in horizon europe - Funding and participation opportunities for cultural heritage

Imparted by: 

  • Carolina Rodríguez. Cluster 2 NCP "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" in Horizonte Europe, Andalucía TRADE
  • Pedro Vera & Julio Carabias. REPERTORIUM Project, University of Jaén 

Aimed at: 

Museums and cultural institutions, Public administrations, Foundations, Cultural and creative industries, Technology companies, Universities and digital humanities

This Workshop aims to expand the possibilities and funding options available in the European Research and Innovation program HORIZONTE EUROPE, specifically in its Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society". Cluster 2 seeks to meet the objectives and priorities of the European Union on the protection and promotion of European cultural heritage. To this end, we will focus on the upcoming calls in the thematic areas of Cluster 2 "HERITAGE" related to the promotion, digitization and conservation of cultural heritage, we will also present the recent initiative of the European Commission "Collaborative Cloud of European Cultural Heritage".

We will know the case of success and experience of participation of the Coordinators of the Cluster 2 project "REPERTORIUM", who will share their experience in the preparation, indications and keys to participate in the calls of Cluster 2 of Horizon Europe.


Blockchain and anti-counterfeiting technologies for plastic work certification

Imparted by: 

  • Joaquín Aguilar. CEO, PUKKART
  • Enrique García. CTO, PUKKART

Aimed at: 

  • Plastic artists, collectors, museums, galleries, art insurances

The art market is increasingly demanding international and independent instruments to register the authorship or ownership of a work, and to protect it in turn. Not only authors but also museums and art galleries are interested in such tools and technologies that facilitate traceability and reliable records of each work.


Mapping rural innovation opportunities

Imparted by the LAB Genalguacil team:

  • Miguel Ángel Herrea. Mayor, Genalguacil
  • Joe Lockwood. Director of innovation
  • Monsalud Bautista. Circular economy agent
  • Marta Calvente. LAB Coordinador

Aimed mainly at:

  • Cultural leaders of rural municipalities

Genalguacil has made contemporary art, tradition, culture and nature fundamental pillars for its development and transformation, as well as a model of growth that generates opportunities and values for the villagers. Genalguacil has created a rural lab for rural areas to develop and implement their own innovation tools, starting from Genalguacil as a pilot project to be shared in all rural regions of Spain and Europe. Placing local knowledge at the center of rethinking innovation, co-creating processes to unlock local knowledge, foster confidence and ambition for collective entrepreneurial action. Genalguacil is finding out how innovation through art and culture, heritage and nature can drive the triple transition into sustainable, digital and inclusive development.  


Innovation and latest digitalization tech for tourism & museums

Imparted by: 

  • Sergio Mata. Business Director, QUATECHNION S.L. spin-off of Lab LENI (UPV), Company specialized in inmersive technologies and behaviour measurement 
  • Julio Merino. CEO, Creaciones Inmersivas, Company specialized in the production and broadcasting of inmersive content in 360º video

Aimed at: 

  • Museum and cultural institutions, Public Administrations, Project Managers, Consultors

In this workshop we will present the latest trends in digitization for Museums and Tourism with a clear vocation for the integration of immersive user experience models based on Augmented Realities combined with the adaptation of knowledge tools based on behavioural analytics and metrics to feed Intelligence solutions. Artificial. We will also analyze the integration of digital tools in unique tourism management environments aimed at optimizing resources and improving the service and user experience.


Tuesday 20 / June / 2023


Content creation with AI-based design tools

Imparted by:

  • Sofía López. Content Writer, Freepik
  • Iván de Prado. Head of AI, Freepik

Aimed at: 

  • Content creators, graphic designers and cultural communicators

Practical session to empower content creators, graphic designers and cultural communicators when using AI-based design tools to make the most of visual communication. 


Technical Table: App Espacios Cultur@. Regional Government of Andalusia


  • Mirna Maturana. Project Coordinator, Regional Government of Andalusia- SANDETEL 
  • Manuel García. General Manager, ITSOFT (EVERPATHS) 

Aimed at:

  • Directors of museums and cultural institutions, Cultural managers, public administrations, cultural event organizers and curators

In this workshop, a live demonstration of the EspaciosCultur@ application will be conducted. It will simulate a visit to a museum in Andalusia, showcasing its positioning, information, and guiding features through its artworks and rooms. This experience will incorporate augmented reality content, showcasing the vast possibilities that this technology offers. Other concepts, such as gamification, will be presented to enhance the attractiveness of the tool, targeting all types of visitors and focusing on the user experience. 


Technical Table: Alhambra and Generalife: west and south portals of the palace of Carlos V


  • Antonio Peral. Head of the conservation and protection service, Board of Trustees of the Alhambra and Generalife
  • Elena Correa. Head of restoration department, Board of Trustees of the Alhambra and Generalife

Aimed at: 

  • Conservator and restorer proffesionals of historical heritage and museums

The Palace of Charles V is one of the iconic works of art of the Spanish and Andalusian Renaissance built in the heart of the palatine city of the Alhambra. The two large, intense grey limestone and white marble facades stand out for their uniqueness over the rest of the calcarenite facades. During its restoration, it has been possible to document its peculiar deconstructive system. Access to its sculptures has been a unique opportunity to appreciate the quality of its sculptural work and to carry out a detailed study of its pathologies. The intervention focused mainly on cleaning the sculptures, using a combination of different methods that allowed the natural and artificial patinas to be preserved, and on consolidating and protecting them from the action of water, one of the main agents that have affected the doorways.

