CM Málaga

  2021 Edition


Director, Department of Music and Digital Projects, Fundación La Caixa

Graduate in Classical Philology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. At the same time, she studied music at the Conservatori Municipal de Música de Sabadell in solfège, harmony, flute and piano. Subsequently, she has taken several postgraduate courses in cultural management, project management, team management and a master's degree in immigration at different universities and colleges such as the UOC, EADA and the UIMP. Since 1989 she has worked in the field of cultural management, first as general coordinator of the Capella Reial de Catalunya and Le Concert des Nations de Jordi Savall and from 1993 in the Music Department of the "la Caixa" Foundation, where she has been responsible for various festivals and programmes, including the Early Music Festival and the World Music Festival, as well as numerous courses and family and educational activities. In 2006 she promoted and implemented the Diversons project throughout Spain and in 2007 she took charge of the Music Department of the "la Caixa" Foundation, from where she has continued to develop these projects and the rest of the organisation's musical activities: Participatory Concerts, Family Concerts, Musical Seasons in CaixaForums, School Concerts, and digital or virtual reality projects for the dissemination of music such as Symphony....

Since October 2020 she has been Director of the Department of Music and Digital Projects at the "la Caixa" Foundation.

She has participated as a speaker at various conferences on Cultural Management organised by the British Council, the Generalitat de Catalunya, Foro Cultura y Empresa, Fundación Contemporánea and Fundacíon "la Caixa".