CM Málaga

  Edition 2022

  Program 2022

  International Symposium of Museums and Cultural Entities 2022

Monday 20 / June / 2022


Welcome address

  • Lucía Ybarra, Director, YGBART, Madrid, Spain
  • Rosina Gómez-Baeza, Director, YGBART, Madrid, Spain
  • Ludovic Assemat, Head of Arts, British Council, Spain

On how current trends in society are reshaping the future and relevance of museums and cultural organisations


  • Keir Winesmith, Head of Digital area at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, Co-author of The Digital Future of Museums, Canberra, Australia
  • András Szántó, Cultural strategist and consultant specialising in museums and art institutions. Author of The Future of Museums, New York, USA
  • Montxo Algora, Director, ArtFutura, Cultural and Digital Creativity Festival, Barcelona, Spain

Panel discussion. Part 1 Sustainability in the Museum: Going “Green”


  • Michela Rota, Working group about Sustainability, ICOM, Turin, Italy


  • Sarah Sutton, CEO, Environment & Culture Partners, Washington, USA
  • Carmen Olivié, Director, Eulen Art, Madrid, Spain
  • Borja González, Technical Commercial Manager of the Environment Department, Eulen Group, Madrid, Spain

Study case: Immersive Exhibitions: Taking art beyond traditional limits

  • Clotilde Entrecanales, Head of Experiences Department, ACCIONA Cultura, Madrid, Spain
  • Carla Prat, Artistic Director of Experiences and ‘Life and Work of Frida Kahlo’, ACCIONA Cultura, Madrid, Spain

Discovering unexploited potential. From past traditions to the new museum: edutainment and service to the community and beyond


  • Irini Mirena Papadimitriou, Creative Director, FutureEverything, Manchester, Reino Unido


Introduced by: Javier Ferrer, Manager, Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga, Spain

  • Javier Pantoja, Chief of Digital Development, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain

Panel discussion. Part 2 Sustainability in the Museum: How can cultural organizations assist in creating livable and healthy communities?


  • Ricardo Maturana, CEO, Gnoss, Logroño, Spain


  • [Virtual] Fernando García-Dory, Artist and agroecologist, founder of Campo Adentro, Madrid, Spain
  • Jaime Solano, Founder, GVAM, Madrid, Spain
  • Koré Escobar, Secretary and Member, Executive Council of ICOM Spain, Head of Programming Area, MUSAC - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, Spain

Case Study: Art after Technology: Art and Culture Ecosystems linked on the Internet

  • Ricardo Maturana, CEO, Gnoss, Logroño, Spain

Case Study: Curatorial Approaches Today: Bringing Past and Future to Life

  • Elisa Bailey, Head Curatorial and Education Department, ACCIONA Cultura, Madrid, Spain
  • Elena Zaccagnini Caton, Curatorial Projects Lead, ACCIONA Cultura, Madrid, Spain

Opening Lecture

Reimagining Museums in a Rapidly Changing Digital Society

  • Diana Pan, CTO, MoMA - The Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York, USA

The social and technology innovation

  • José Luis de Vicente, Curator and cultural researcher, Curator of Sónar+D, conference on digital culture and creative Technologies, Barcelona, Spain

“Dinamo”: art, architecture and algorithms

  • Daniel Canogar, Artist, Madrid, Spain/USA

Opening Ceremony

Introduced by: Manuel Castillo, Director, Diario Sur, Málaga, Spain

Institutional speeches

  • Francisco de la Torre, Mayor, City Council Málaga, Spain
  • Adriana Moscoso del Prado Hernández, Director General of Cultural Industries, Intellectual Property and Cooperation, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Madrid, Spain
  • Mar Sánchez Estrella, General Secretary for Cultural Innovation and Museums, Department of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain
  • Víctor González, Deputy Delegate for Culture, Diputación de Málaga, Spain
  • Isabel Izquierdo, Director of Programming, Acción Cultural Española - AC/E, Spain

How artists can help reshape our society through freedom of thought and universal language. The role of artistic organisations in the construction of cultural identities.


Introduced by: Helena Juncosa, Director, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo (CAC Málaga), Spain

  • Ania Malinowska, Co-editor of “Data Dating: Love, Technology, Desire”, Katowice, Poland
  • Valentina Peri, Co-editor of “Data Dating: Love, Technology, Desire”, Paris, France

Case Study: New technology for a new metaverse culture?

  • José Medina, Chief curator, Museo Unicaja de Artes y Costumbres Populares, Málaga, Spain

Case Study

Sponsored by:


imageHost, heritage performing arts. Music in museums

  • Javier Rivera, Coordinator, AAIICC, Spain

Iniciarte Programme, young Andalusian creation

  • Eva González, Head of the Visual Arts Department, AAIICC, Sevilla, Spain

The cultural imaginary of the Alcazaba of Almeria through cinema and the compatibility of these uses with the functioning of the institution

  • Gema Embi, Director, Monumental Complex Alcazaba of Almeria, Spain



Methods and technologies to reach audiences near (place) and far (virtual)


  • Darija Kalkan, Manager Marketing and Communication, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands


  • Henrik Svalheim, Director of Administration, Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway


  • Ana Martí Testón, Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain

Panel discussion. Effective Networking. Tips from the Professional Sector


  • Elena López Gil, Founder partner, Andalusian Museology and Museography Association (AMMA) Sevilla, Spain


  • Ana Carro, President and Manager, Spanish Museology Association (AEM) Madrid, Spain
  • Adolfo Muñoz, Museum Network and Digital Strategies (REMED), Valencia, Spain
  • Esteban Torres Hormazábal, Director, Museum of Museums, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Case Study: The project of the Archaeological Museum of Sevilla: basis for the future of sustainable management

Sponsored by:


  •  imageMaría Soledad Gil de los Reyes, Director, Museum of Archaeology of Sevilla (MASE), Spain


(Part 2) Methods and technologies to reach audiences near (place) and far (virtual)

Panel discussion. How can data help the cultural sector create value?

Sponsored by:



  • Nuria Rodríguez Ortega, Doctor in Art History from the University of Malaga, Director of the Department of Art History, Malaga, Spain 


  • [Virtual] Elena Villaespesa, Digital Analytics Lead, National Gallery of Art, Washington, USA
  • Luis Martínez-Uribe, Director of Library Data Scientist, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Spain
  • Alejandro López, Senior Advisor, MuseumMate, Madrid, Spain

Case Study. PICE Projects on the 10th Anniversary of AC/E's Program for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture

Supported by:


Introduced by: Isabel Izquierdo, Director of Programming, AC/E – Acción Cultural Española, Spain

Programming Team, Acción Cultural Española - AC/E, Spain

  • Pablo Álvarez de Eulate
  • José Manuel Gómez
  • Marta Rincón
  • Ainhoa Sánchez

Case study: Artificial Intelligence Projects in the Framework of the Digital Culture Yearbook 2022

Supported by:


Introduced by: Isabel Izquierdo, Director of Programming, AC/E - Acción Cultural Española, Spain

  • Pau Alsina, Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain

Tuesday 21 / June / 2022



Creative thinking and problem solving through diversity and inclusion


  • Yannick Hofmann, Artistic Lead of the intelligent museum project, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Cecilia Preiß, Media Scholar and Research Associate at ZKM | Hertz-Lab, Karlsruhe, Germany


Introduced by: María Morente, Director, Museo de Málaga, Spain

  • María Inés Rodríguez, Assistant Curator, Modern and Contemporary Art, Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, Sao Paolo, Brasil

Panel discussion: Creative thinking and problem solving through diversity and inclusion

Sponsored by:



  • Montserrat Barragán, Head of Museums Services, DGICYM, Spain 


  • Valme Muñoz, Director, Museum of Fine Arts of Sevilla, Spain
  • Elena Aguilera, Director, Museum of Huelva, Spain
  • Carlos Fernández, Director, Museum of Almeria, Spain
  • Fernando Panea, Director, Italica Archaeological Ensemble, Spain

Case Study

Sponsored by:


New Iberian Museum

  • Concepción Choclán, Director, Iberian Museum, Spain

The Site Museum of the Archaeological Ensemble Dolmens of Antequera

  • Bartolomé Ruíz, Director, Director, Archaeological Ensemble of Dolmens of Antequera, Spain

Financial sustainability: new strategies for development and expansion


Introduced by: José María Luna, Director, Public Agency for the Management of the Pablo Ruiz Picasso's Birthplace and other Museums and Cultural Facilities, Málaga, Spain

  • Olga Tykhonova, Head of strategic development, Museum Booster, Vienna, Austria/Ukraine
  • [Virtual] Sofia Widmann, Founder and Managing Partner, Museum Booster, Vienna, Austria/Ukraine


Introduced by: José María Luna, Director, Public Agency for the Management of the Pablo Ruiz Picasso's Birthplace and other Museums and Cultural Facilities, Málaga, Spain

  • Maurice Davies, Associate, Cultural Associates Oxford, London, UK

Upskilling, Competitiveness, Economic Growth and Leadership in the Cultural and Creative Sectors

Basque District of Culture and Creativity (BDCC)

  • Leire Ruíz de Azua, Responsible, Basque District of Culture and Creativity (BDCC), Spain

Case Study: Basque Culinary Center (BCC)

  • Ander López, Head of Entrepreneurship, Basque Culinary Center (BCC), Spain

Case Study: Royal Tapestry Factory, Madrid. Implementation Process in the Digital Age of a New Business Model in Cultural Production

  • Verónica García, Restaurateur Manager, Real Fábrica de Tapices, Madrid, Spain

Case Study

  • Yolanda Solero, Head of Social Action, CaixaBank in Eastern Andalucia, Spain

The (new) hybrid museum. Building enjoyable virtual experiences.


  • Rebecca Bailey, Programme Director, Towards a National Collection, Arts & Humanities Research Council, Historic Environment Scotland, Edinburgh, UK

Case study: The Digital Dimension of an Open-air Contemporary Art Museum: Digital Route of Guided Theater, QR Codes, App, Websites and Social Networks

Sponsored by:


  • Xosé Regueira, Vice President and Deputy of Tourism and Historical and Cultural Heritage, Provincial Plans and Cooperation of the Provincial Council of A Coruña, Head of the Department of Economic Promotion and Tourism, Carballo City Hall, Spain

Case study

Organised by: 


  • Helena López de Hierro, Director, Museo del Traje, Centro de Investigación del Patrimonio Etnológico (CIPE), Madrid, Spain

Case study: The rise of high-impact immersive destinations: the oasis immersion perspective

  • Denys Lavigne, Co-founder and president, Oasis Immersion, Montreal, Canadá

Case Study: PHI Studio: paving the way for new forms of storytelling

  • Myriam Achard, Chief, New Media Partnerships and PR, Centre Phi, Montreal, Canada

Case Study: HUB Montreal 2022 : Digital experience innovators, solutions-makers!

Amélie Richard, Co-Executive Producer & Head of Programming, Hub Montreal, Canada

Study Case: A Museum Capacity Building Programme for the EU

  • Tom Fleming, Director, Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy (TFCC), British Council, UK

Reading of Technical Conclusions

  • Nuria Rodríguez Ortega, Professor and Director of the Department of Art History, University of Málaga, Spain